Kwang Gae
Kwang Gae is named after the famous Kwang Gae T'o Wang, the 19th king of the Koguryo Dynasty
who regained all the lost territories including the greater part of Manchuria. The diagram represents the expansion and recovery of lost
territory. The 39 movements refer to his reign of 39 years.
New Techniques
The primary purpose of a pressing kick is to break the knee joint of calf bone. The point of focus should be lower than the
knee joint of the stationary leg. The stationary knee will lock at the moment of impact, and the body should lean slightly away from
the kicking foot. The footsword is used as the attacking tool.
Additional Information
The Heaven Hand is formed by placing the right thumb, pointer and middle fingers over the left thumb, pointer and middle fingers to
form a triangle. Tilt the triangle at an angle toward the sky and look up through the triangle to start and end the pattern.
In the first move, the hands should suddenly separate at the same time as the left leg is lifted to the side. Pause for a split
second in this position and then slowly bring the hands and legs together to form a close ready stance B.
Sliding is one of the most effective techniques in Taekwon-Do for covering long distance in one smooth motion. For the slides in
steps 5 and 7, push off the front foot to achieve the slide. For instance, in step 5, push off the left foot to slide into a right
The low reverse blocks should be executed in a full-facing walking stance.
Diagram and Movements
Begin: Parallel Ready Stance with a Heaven Hand
1. Bring the left foot to the right foot, forming a close ready stance B toward the Front, bringing both hands together in a circular motion.
2. Move the left foot to the Front, forming a left walking stance toward the Front while executing an upset punch to the Front with the right
fist. Perform in a slow motion.
3. Move the right foot to the Front, forming a right walking stance toward the Front while executing an upset punch to the Front with the left
fist. Perform in a slow motion.
4. Move the left foot to the side front of the right foot and then move the right foot to the Front, forming a right walking stance toward
the Front while executing a high hooking block to the Front with the right palm. Perform in a double stepping motion.
5. Move the right foot the Back in a sliding motion, forming a right L-stance facing the Front while executing a low guarding block to the
Front with the knife-hand.
6. Move the right foot to the side front of the left foot and then move the left foot to the Front, forming a left walking stance toward the
Front while executing a high hooking block to the Front with the left palm. Perform in a double stepping motion.
7. Move the left foot to the Back in a sliding motion, forming a left L-stance facing the Front while executing a low guarding block to the
Front with the knife-hand.
8. Move the left foot to the Front forming a right rear foot stance toward the Front while executing a high guarding block to the Front with the
9. Move the right foot to the Front forming a left rear foot stance toward the Front while executing a high guarding block to the Front with
the knife-hand.
10. Move the left foot to the side front of the right foot and then turn counter-clockwise, pivoting on the left foot to form a left walking
stance toward the Back while executing an upward block to the Back with the right palm. Perform in a slow motion.
11. Move the right foot to the Back, forming a right walking stance toward the Back while executing an upward block to the Back with the
left palm. Perform in a slow motion.
12. Execute a low block with the right knife-hand in a circular motion, hitting the left palm while bringing the left foot to the right foot
to form a close stance toward the Back.
13. Execute a pressing kick to D with the left foot while keeping the position of the hands as they were in 12.
14. Execute a middle side piercing kick to D with the left foot while keeping the position of the hands as they were in 13. Perform 13 and 14
as a consecutive kick.
15. Lower the left foot to D forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a high inward strike to 45 degrees of D with the right
knife-hand and bringing the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
16. Execute a downward strike to D with the left side fist while forming a close stance toward the Back by pulling the left foot to the right
17. Execute a pressing kick to C with the right foot while keeping the position of the hands as they were in 16.
18. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot while keeping the position of the hands as they were in 17. Perform 17 and 18
as a consecutive kick.
19. Lower the right foot to C forming a left L-stance toward C while executing a high inward strike to 45 degrees of C with the left
knife-hand and bringing the right side fist in front of the left shoulder.
20. Execute a downward strike to C with the right side fist while forming a close stance toward the Back by pulling the right foot to the
left foot.
21. Move the left foot to the Back forming a left low stance toward the Back while executing a pressing block with the right palm. Perform
in a slow motion.
22. Move the right foot to the Back forming a right low stance toward the Back while executing a pressing block with the left palm. Perform
in a slow motion.
23. Move the right foot to the Front in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward C, while executing a high side strike to the Front
with the right back fist.
24. Execute a middle block to the Front with a right double forearm while forming a right walking stance toward by moving the right foot.
25. Execute a low reverse block to the Front with the left forearm while shifting both feet slightly toward the Back. Maintain a right
walking stance toward the Front and keep the position of the right hand as it was in 24.
26. Execute a high thrust to the Front with a right flat fingertip while forming a right low stance toward the Front by slipping the right
foot. Perform in a slow motion.
27. Move the left foot to the Back in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward C, while executing a high side strike to
the Back with the left back fist.
28. Execute a middle block to the Back with a left double forearm while forming a left walking stance toward the Back by the moving the right
29. Execute a low reverse block to the Back with the right forearm while shifting both feet slightly toward the Front. Maintain a left
walking stance toward the Back and keep the position of the left hand as it was in 28.
30. Execute a high thrust to the Back with the left flat fingertip while forming a left low stance toward the Back by slipping the left
foot. Perform in a slow motion.
31. Move the right foot to the Back in a stamping motion, forming a right walking stance toward the Back while executing a high vertical
punch to the Back with the twin fist.
32. Move the left foot to B in a stamping motion, forming a left walking stance toward B while executing an upset punch to B with the twin
33. Execute a middle front snap kick to B with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 32.
34. Lower the right foot to the side of the left foot and then move the left foot toward B to form a left L-stance facing A while at the
same time executing a middle guarding block to A with the knife-hand.
35. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high punch to A with the left fist.
36. Move the right foot to A in a stamping motion, forming a right walking stance toward A while executing an upset punch to A with the twin
37. Execute a middle front snap kick to A with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 36.
38. Lower the left foot to the side of the right foot and then move right foot toward A to form a right L-stance facing B while at the same
time executing a middle guarding block to B with the knife-hand.
39. Move the right foot to B forming a right walking stance toward B while executing a high punch to B with the right fist.
End: Bring the left foot back to Parallel Ready Stance with a Heaven Hand.